วันจันทร์ที่ 23 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2555

Some Great News!

A lot of people have been poking me on Twitter and FB to make more clips. Since I have been livestreaming for charity together with Athene or by myself mostly, I didn't really have time left to put in making more youtube clips. But then we came up with the idea to make a bunch of clips, daily if possible and give a part of the income to charity as well. That way I don't have to feel guilty about not streaming for charity AND I can give you guys more content! :) The clips will be posted on the TaniaUncensored channel though, since I reach more people there, and since it is for charity as well.... I will still try to post some update clips in here as well! Stay Updated: Twitter: www.twitter.com/Taniauncensored Facebook: www.facebook.com/taniauncensored Livestreams for charity at www.athenelive.com/athene and www.athenelive.com/tania

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